How to
Sit Properly

We’ve all been there. It’s getting late in the working day, and you’ve been sitting for hours: you feel yourself slump in your chair, your shoulders round, maybe your spine slides away from the back of the chair. And while changing position throughout the day is now thought to be better than staying in the same position all day, the above scenario is far from ideal.
Supporting your posture – and your work - throughout your day is one of Herman Miller’s highest priorities. In this article we’ll explore the science of sitting and ultimately how to sit properly to support your body in the best possible way.

We’ll do this by looking at a “FEWE” key steps.

1. Feet:

Let’s stand from the ground up. First things first, is to check the position of your feet. You’ll want your feet to comfortably rest flat on the floor. Adjust your chair so that your thighs are parallel to the floor and your knees are bent at 90°.

2. Elbows:

Next up, check that your working surface is at elbow height. Your shoulders should be relaxed, and your elbows bent at 90°, close to the body.

If you have a sit-stand desk, adjust the height to reach this position. If your work surface is fixed, adjust your chair, and consider a footrest so that your feet are comfortable. In this position, your entire back should be making contact with the back of your chair.

3. Wrists:

Check the position of your wrists. They should be straight in front of you and supported by the work surface with your upper arms in line with your torso. Having your keyboard raised slightly (most come with feet underneath), will help ensure a neutral position while you’re typing.

Have your mouse parallel to your keyboard, within easy reach of the keyboard so that you can maintain a good wrist position.

4. Eyes:

Lastly, check that the top third of your monitor is at eye height, directly in front of you and your screen is approximately an arm’s distance away. The Oripura laptop stand, or a Flo or Ollin Monitor Arm can help you to achieve the right height and distance.

While you’re checking your eye position, also take a moment to notice if your head is directly over your spine. Looking down or up too much throughout the day , or leaning forwards and hunching too much (sometimes known as “turtle position”!) can cause neck and shoulder strain and pain which may affect your overall posture and wellbeing.
So, by following these FEWE steps, you can ensure you’re sitting comfortably throughout your day - which also means healthily and productively. However, don’t forget to take regular breaks away from your screen, make time to stretch between calls and stay hydrated to keep yourself energised all day long.