“I started streaming for fun with my best friend, Jake, and some other buddies. One day I took a step back and said to myself, ‘Why are you doing this? What really is my purpose in the streaming space?’ Making a difference in other people’s lives, whether it was charity fundraising initiatives or interacting with everyday community members, gave me a sense of purpose – a lot more than waiting tables or working in retail did.
When it comes to the platforms where I create content, inclusion is a subject I’m never afraid to speak up on. Being not only a woman but also a woman of colour, I’ve faced my fair share of unkind individuals in my life.
Knowing how the world can be, I always do my best to spread awareness of current events, create inclusive environments wherever I’m online, and remind others that kindness costs nothing. The most valuable lesson my grandmother taught me was kindness, and I spread that to every aspect of my life. Being kind to others, treating others the way you would like to be treated, and not expecting anything in return are some of the best lessons instilled in me.”
Friskk: A Game for All
Pro streamer and voice actor Friskk has range – and not just in her melodious vocals. She also speaks out for racial equality, keeps her streaming fans laughing with jokes and antics, and, in her down time, fuels up with a healthy dose of self-care. How does the Renaissance player do it all? We went directly to the source to discover her secrets.