Friskk: A Game for All

Pro streamer and voice actor Friskk has range – and not just in her melodious vocals. She also speaks out for racial equality, keeps her streaming fans laughing with jokes and antics, and, in her down time, fuels up with a healthy dose of self-care. How does the Renaissance player do it all? We went directly to the source to discover her secrets.


“I started streaming for fun with my best friend, Jake, and some other buddies. One day I took a step back and said to myself, ‘Why are you doing this? What really is my purpose in the streaming space?’ Making a difference in other people’s lives, whether it was charity fundraising initiatives or interacting with everyday community members, gave me a sense of purpose – a lot more than waiting tables or working in retail did.

When it comes to the platforms where I create content, inclusion is a subject I’m never afraid to speak up on. Being not only a woman but also a woman of colour, I’ve faced my fair share of unkind individuals in my life. Knowing how the world can be, I always do my best to spread awareness of current events, create inclusive environments wherever I’m online, and remind others that kindness costs nothing. The most valuable lesson my grandmother taught me was kindness, and I spread that to every aspect of my life. Being kind to others, treating others the way you would like to be treated, and not expecting anything in return are some of the best lessons instilled in me.”


“One day while in an Xbox Live party chat, a friend of a friend asked if I was a streamer. He mentioned I sounded like one and that I should check out streaming and Twitch. After a little bit of research, I said to myself, ’You know, this looks like something I could totally do!’

I studied up on successful streaming practices and incorporated those into my stream. I looked into social media, networking and mannerisms, and at one point I was even studying colour theory! Once my stream started growing, I quit my waitressing and retail jobs and never looked back.

The one thing I’ve loved about being a creator is the ability to really put yourself out there and discover other creative outlets to let your talents soar. Voice acting was never something I had ever considered or even thought about until I started streaming. Folks would constantly comment on how amazing they thought my voice was, and it prompted me to explore voice acting opportunities. I started with audio books, which was pretty fun, but then someone reached out to me through my stream for a job voice acting in a game called Hollow Knight! When working on the production end of gaming, whether it’s voice acting or hosting, I always notice the different challenges and atmospheres. It’s honestly given me a new-found respect for others in these various gaming roles.”


“Self-care was not always something I was good at, but over the last few years I’ve taken the time to learn. You can always start small and work your way up to what makes you feel comfortable! I’ve recognised that if I don’t take care of myself, it has a way of showing on my stream. If I don’t eat well, get enough sleep, and exercise, my energy levels are off and mentally I’m rather sluggish.

When I hit that ‘stop broadcast’ button, I make sure to unplug and disconnect by walking away from my PC and indulging in activities that light up my life. I have two handsome dog sons, Indy and Tango, whom I spend most of my time with. Every day they bring me so much joy, and I make sure to bring as much joy to their lives – whether it’s going to the park, taking long walks, or going on adventure hikes to recharge and have new experiences. When I’m not out and about with them, another activity that helps me decompress is gardening. I used to garden a lot as a kid with my grandmother, and it’s the most therapeutic hobby I can do for myself. I own 30-plus plants. Don’t tell anyone.”


“The gear I use when I’m creating content and doing work is important to me since I spend so much time doing it. I never understood how important ergonomics were until I was graced with my Herman Miller chair. I used to have a gaming chair that would squeeze the sides of my thighs and give me both leg and back pain. There were days I couldn’t wait to just crawl into my bed. Since I got my Sayl Chair, it’s alleviated all that pain…I never knew a chair could take care of me so well! I’ve also got these hips that don’t lie, so I appreciate the fact the Embody Chair is also made for people like myself with larger body types. I feel like that’s something overlooked in a lot of furniture.

My second favourite item would have to be the Ollin Monitor Arm. It’s so seamless and easy to adjust my monitors on the go. It’s a perk I appreciate so much! I’ve used a lot of monitor mounts, and Ollin really crushes the competition."

This interview has been condensed and edited.

Friskk's Set-up

“I never understood how important ergonomics were until I was graced with my Herman Miller chair. I used to have a gaming chair that would squeeze the sides of my thighs and give me both leg and back pain. There were days I couldn’t wait to just crawl into my bed. Since I got my chair, it’s alleviated all that pain…I never knew a chair could take care of me so well!"

— Friskk